quran recitation

 For us to die while reciting the Qur’an as Uthman (RadhiyAllahu ‘anhu) became a

martyr whilst reciting the Qur’an. Ibn Kathir said, “Whoever lives upon something will
die upon it, and whoever dies upon something will be resurrected upon it”.

He based this on the verse in Surah Al-Jathiyah [45:21] {Do those who commit evil deeds really think that We will deal with them in the same way as those who believe and do righteous deeds, that they will be alike in their living and their dying? How badly they judge!}


10- For it to bring us closer to Allah by loving His words. The prophet (SallaAllahu
‘alayhi wasallam) said, “You are (on the day of judgement) with whom you love
[Reported in Muslim]


11- For it to increase our Iman. Allah says in Surah At-Tawbah [9:124] {And when a
surah is revealed, some of them ask “which of you did this increase him in Iman?”.
As for the ones who believe, it increased them in Iman and they rejoice}


12- So that we can increase our knowledge of our Lord so that we can increase in
showing humility before Him and manifesting our need for Him, so that we can rely
on Him at all instances.


13- For it to be a reason for Allah to make us from His people. The prophet
(SallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said, “Allah has His people (from the creation)”. The
sahaba asked, “Who are they?”. He (SallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) replied, “They are
the people of the Qur’an. They are Allah’s people, and His close ones” [Declared
Sahih by Al-Albanee]



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