quran reading

 Jabir ibn ‘Abdallah (God be pleased with them both) said that the Prophet (God bless him and grant him peace) would gather two casualties from Uhud and then say, “Which of the two [deceasedl has amassed the most Quran?” If one of them was indicated, he would put him first in the lahd | the portion of the gravesite closest to the Qibla ” (Bukhari)


Abu Hurayra (God be pleased with him) stated that the Prophet (God bless him and grant him peace) said, “Indeed, God Mighty and Glorious says, ‘Whoever shows enmity to a friend of mine, I have declared war upon him.”  (Bukhari)


It is established in the Sahihayn that the Prophet (God bless him and grant him peace) said, “Whoever prays the Morning Prayer is under the guardianship of God Most High, and God Most High does not demand of you something that is under His guardianship.”


The two venerable shaykhs, Abu Hanifa and al-Shafi‘ (God Most High have mercy upon them both), said, “If the scholars are not the Friends (Awliya’) of God, then God has no Friends.” 

The Imam, the hadith master, Abu al-Qasim ibn ‘Asakir (God have mercy upon him) said, “Know, my brother (and may God make you and us suitable for His pleasure, make us among those who fear Him and observe His duty with right observance) that the flesh of scholars is a poison, and God’s custom with those who disparage them is well known: whoever utters defamation regarding the scholars with his tongue, God Most High afflicts him before his death with the death of his heart. And let those who go against His command beware lest an affliction befall the more painful torment (Quran, 24:63).”


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