quran reading


  • Tajweed Mushaf: You can get a new Mushaf (copy of the Qur’an), called Mushaf at-Tajweed, which has the rules of Tajweed incorporated in the text of the Qur’an in colour coding! This is very helpful as it prompts you as you go along. There is also a computer program you can buy with it which highlights Tajweed rules with recitation.


  • Try and apply the rules you learn to the Surahs you have already memorised and don’t become lazy about reciting correctly. You might have to revise the surahs by looking back at them.


  • Practice and repetition will make perfect in sha Allah: As Ibn al-Jazaree says in his poem about acquiring Tajweed: ‘And there is no obstacle between it (learning Tajweed) and leaving it, except that a person must exercise his mouth with it!’. And always remember “And We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember; then is there anyone who will remember (or receive admonition)?” [Quran al-Qamar 54:17].



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