memorizes the Quran


  • Safety and salvation from the Hell-fire. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “If the Quran is gathered in a body (i.e. a person) Allah will not burn him with the Fire.” (Al-Baihaqee in Ash-Shu’ab and Al-Albaanee graded it good).


  •  Therefore, Quran memorization will cause your child to be favored by these aspects of beautiful and virtuous character. It is sufficient for your son and daughter to be proud that they are carrying the Words of the Lord of all that exists in their chests.
  • 15- Safety of the heart from destruction.
    The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Verily, He who does not have anything inside of him of the Quran is like a demolished house.” (At Tirmidhi).


  • 16- Your child will have the manners of those who carry (i.e. memorize) the Quran. Ibn Mas’ood (ra) said: “The one who memorizes the Quran should be known by his night (i.e. praying at night) when the people are sleeping, and by his day (i.e. fasting) while the people are eating, and by his pious abstinence when the people are mingling, and by his humbleness when the people are boasting, and by his sadness when the people are happy, and by his crying when the people are laughing, and by his silence when the people are chatting.”


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