Know that hifdh al-Qur’an is the first step to seeking knowledge

 Know that hifdh al-Qur’an is the first step to seeking knowledge

A Muslim can never attain knowledge of any science from the sciences of the Shari’ah without Qur’an, for the Qur’an opens up for you the doors to knowledge – indeed it opens up for you the doors to all goodness in this world and the Next.


Qur’an, then this should urge you to memorize the Qur’an from start to finish so that you may reach the highest levels of Paradise. May Allah make us and you from the people of Qur’an.

15- Envision the delights of Paradise and the Punishment of the Hellfire
If you knew that the Qur’an is a cause for your salvation from the punishment of the grave and a cause for your salvation from the punishment of the Hellfire… rather if you knew that on the Day of Judgment you will rise and ascend through the ranks of Paradise.

Beloved brothers and sisters, Learn the Qur’an before it’s lifted from the Pages and the Hearts.

Source: the book (causes-that-aid-in-the-memorization-of-the-qur-an) in short.



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